Friday, October 2, 2009

Trials over

Im so done with my trials
Ekonomi P2 was super tough and at 1 point i don't even understand the what the question asking
(perhaps i just stupid)
Ok, let's no talk about exam anymore
what over is over, there is no turning back

Thx to PMR, 1 week holiday ahead of us to party and have fun
There lot of stuff awaiting me
The highlight would be my bro 21st bday party
I'm happy but at the same time I'm kinda nervous cause me & dear Maby will be the emcee
It sure is scary standing in front of 100++ peoples speaking
But everyone will only have their 21st bday once in their life and i of course i would do this for my brother :)

p/s: Alf in 4 years time u better be the m.c for my party :p

Thing To Do :
Youth gotong royong in Broga
Preparing for big day
Youth gathering

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