Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kick Ass

Kick Ass was really ass-kicking
Went to MidValley with Jerick & Yaw to catch up in life
Hardly have anytime to meet up since everyone is busy with their life
Kick Ass is a must watch movie
Funny, Violent & Bad words
I would rate 4/5 stars

Watching two movie in a day is tiring
Its Wednesday so ticket was cheaper too :p
Yaw, Jerick and I watch Ice Kacang Puppy Love just for U!!
There's some funny moments and somehow the girl next to Jerick was crying
Ya Jerick was trying to take advantage! *sigh*
Barley Ping so adorable throughout the movie :)

Knight and Day look good in its trailer
Tom Cruise still looking good
Hope the action are good and worthy (:

P/S : I'm craving for new Topman's shirt

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mimi + Ticket = Mayhem

Sorry for I been busy and lazy blogging for sometimes
Well I guess a simple post will do :)

Its been long since we last saw "growing Mimi"
Gosh, she getting cutter each day
After 14 months, she can now walk and make lots of noise
Anything she want she will point her little finger and I must give it to her or else she will show her cute angry expression
Demanding little angel :p

Your uncle will take you watch all of your favourite movie when you're a big gal :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hero of The Hood

Every night before going to sleep, I'll spare some time reading Chicken Soup
Last night i read a very touching story about a very young boy
A young boy taking the responsibility of a father all alone
Standing strong against the cruel world
His name is Mike Powell and he's my hero :)

Read his story here

Monday, March 15, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Watched Alice in Wonderland 3D with committee in Mid.V
Love Mid.V cinema cause their sound effect is good and the seat is nice
Of course its freaking cold also
Erm, some said this movie is so so but i guess its fine to go for the effects
I rate it 3.5/5 stars

Haha, i love Tweedledee & Tweedledum which is the 2 fat twin brothers
They're so funny :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sleepless Night with Chicken Soup

Why can't i just fall asleep??
Been lying down for 2 hours and I can't just sleep
I guess i'm just bit nervous about tomorrow "Sport Awakening"
Darn, i nid my sleep!!
Since i can't sleep so i shall kill time with Chicken Soup

Yum Yum
I not talking about a bowl of chicken soup
But the book called Chicken Soup
I got a pretty good deal from someone in lowyat
I love to read these type of stories
Stories about friendships, relationships, love & family
Their stories teaches you lessons of life
Some story really touches me and make me think more about myself
We all should appreciate and treasure our life to fullness

4 books for Rm100, not bad ya (:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Stole whole season of Glee from my brother :D
Glee is a great show
Love the music and their dance moves
Somehow i find Glee storyline fast and very happening
Each episode got a few major happenings
Not like other series when the end of episode leave us with something to ponder
*Darn i hate those*

Hmm, wonder if our country have Glee club in school or not...
Would be great if we do have (:

Pain in the ass

She's cute and adorable (:

Love this song in Glee :
Journey - Don't Stop Believin
Glee Cast - Defying Gravity

P.S : Continue to watch Glee now :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The poster look good right ?
But the movie is a total let down
The storyline is rather stupid and they keep scolding f***
ya lots of f***

Gosh, i regret watching this movie and feel like leaving the cinema half way
It's just too boring for me :(
Wonder how the movie can appear for cinema
My rating would be 1/5 star
*i hate stupid show*

Can't wait for summer (May-June)
Lots of great movies coming out

Saturday, January 23, 2010

9/11 and Avatar

Our Ex PM Tun Dr Mahathir claims that the 9/11 attacks in the United States were staged at the General Conference for the Support of Al-Quds here.

“if they can make Avatar they can make anything.”

Lol, what is that got to do with Avatar? @.@
I wonder what will US nation respond toward this comment

P/S : Avatar is a 5 stars movie :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Paranormal Activity

Watch Paranormal Activity with Christine,Juan & Saha in Mid.V
It's something different compare to other horror movies
Stupid bro told me what happen spoil my movie already
I was disappointed that no one scream in the cinema except some closing their ears

The movie is rather short and fast
My rating is 3/5 stars
Actually this movie came out on 2007 in US
Biasalah, Malaysia always show movie very early one
Btw, this movie is download-able in any torrent site (:

P/S : I find the b.f (Micah) super stupid and arrogance

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


1 day work at IKEA Mutiara Damansara
Its a overnight job start from 8pm to 8am
Why Midnite?? Because we are smuggling illegal furniture in
Hahaha just jking xD
They needed some extra hand on the decorating the whole place
Chinese New Year theme
We had to clear and remove all Christmas trees and stuffs

I ditugaskan di Recovery section where all the damaged/unwanted thing come in.
Fun part is I get to break woods and metals and dump them in a lorry
My groups the indian guy keep bully a pakistanis coworker and called him "kambing"
He jack him kaokao and we all will laugh non stop

Kambing tengok apa, cepat buat kerja la.

Kambing nanti pukul 10 i hantar lu balik Pakistan.

Kambing boss cakap, cepat pergi la
(he'll go to boss and kena scold cepat buat kerja la)

"Kenapa kamu pakai selipar??"

"Selipar selesa dan senang jalan" xD

I thought the job was to hang stuff on the wall, who know i was carry huge heavy boxes
nuthead la me...
Lucky they just ask but didn't scold (:

Doing "illegal smuggling" for IKEA was fun and a great experience
My next job will be a promoter for random stuffs
Promote illegal stuffs?? Maybe :)